
“Equality is one of the key answers to the great challenges of our time. Women are the ultimate voice and operators of change on earth.”

Katharine Wilkinson
(environmental activist)

The past 20 years have been characterized by increasing acceleration due to the consequences of climate change, species extinction and the plundering of our livelihoods.

At beyond equal, we act out of the firm conviction that we can only tackle these challenges together in an environment of equal support from courageous female entrepreneurs, scientists and founders. In addition, we support and accompany start-ups by women who develop solutions to the environmental and climate problems of our world with their ideas and commitment and who initiate social change with their personal commitment.

You will soon find out more about the concepts and concrete projects of beyond equal for the successful socio-ecological transformation of our society on this website.

Get in touch with us now – as an active entrepreneur and source of ideas or as an institution supporting the ideas of beyond equal.

Start with us into a sustainable
and more efficient future.


Bockenheimer Landstraße 2–4
60306 Frankfurt am Main